Fortunately ( for women that is) the entire oath isn't used. It seems to betray some of his personal politics and preferences, which may not be in the best interests of the 21st century woman. He is against euthanasia, seducing his patients (I hasten to add I think this is a good idea although I have met some very attractive doctors!) and he doesn't think blabbing things "which ought not to be noised abroad" is a good idea. He is also against abortion (which is the part that I referred to not being so good for women.)
He does hold teachers in high regard however. Part of the oath requires doctors to regard "him who shall have taught me this and even as one of my own parents" and "I will regard his offspring even as my own brethren and will teach them this art without fee or covenant" So if one of your parents is a doctor, find their teacher and demand to be taught medicine for free and throw the Hippocratic oath at them, although you might have trouble convincing them if it is your mother that's the doc as the oath seems to only recognise men. Damn.
Don't expect your doctor to abide by any of the suggestions in the oath though as it appears that aside from the 'suggestions' that have been passed into the law, the rest are exactly that.
Thankfully pro choice medical care is freely available. In some countries and states. The downside is that if such heathens will perform an abortion then who is to say they will respect the rest of the code, you could end up being euthanised and seduced too although probably not in that order.
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