Everyone who is on Facebook could surely come up with a huge list of stupid things they have seen on Facebook but I have resisted until now. The following is the smallest smattering of the seemingly infinite amount of numb skulls out there.
"We Will Not Pay To Use Facebook. We Are Gone If This Happens ►► INVITE ALL!" is a stupid group but when you look at the pictures and then the comments of the pictures you see the kind of people that we will be losing if Facebook should decide to start charging. Not a big loss I think you'll agree.
A large woman whose bra you can see through her shirt says "I will not pay and will remove every thing. Shame on you for wanting to make a buck" I hope she is referring to her content and not her clothes.
A guy called Patrick, of the above mentioned photo says "That's right..we shouldn't have to pay. great photo. would you like to be farmville neighbors?? add me" Which I think speaks for itself.
Someone called Noor (It's a name) commented on an obviously fake photograph highlighting possible Facebook charges (here) "This is soo demented WTFFFF like srzzlyy Misspelling is 0.02 WTF? ND complaining bout facebook changes are $25 WTF these people srzly need their heads kicked in !!"
And the scariest thing is that this group has 105,396 members and counting.
This is a status I have borrowed from Facebook.
"goin' down to Chinatown" in reference to an upcoming trip to Beijing and someone she knows, probably a 'Facebook friend' commented
"Have a safe flight!! Watch out for homeless people with cardboard, they are likely to throw it at you as a distraction and then steal your wallet. Love youuu"
Now, unless I am mistaken, this friend, or this is the implication, has been mugged in Beijing by a homeless person, armed with only a piece of cardboard, which presumably said something like 'will do Tai chi for food.' Bizarre you say, well her wording of people suggests that it has happened more than once. That is some pretty bad luck or, as the case probably is, she has read a news article or watched a program on say, the Fox network entitled "When homeless Chinese beggars go BAD" and has decided to do the right thing and warn all his/her friends and family of the bands of Chinese beggars who go around mugging people with bits of cardboard.
Gotta love Facebook!