I like being tall, towering over most people it gives me a sense of grandeur and of masculinity and I suppose superiority. Not in any meaningful way or in any way that I would exploit but I would rather be tall than not. Women find it attractive don't they? it is supposed to have something to do with being able to protect them and wanting to feel feminine and according to one random piece of Google advice "The sheer feminine feeling of dancing with or being held by a man who stands a full head taller than her is irreplaceable."
According to an article some years ago in the Guardian by Zoe Williams it is more to do with "Who can overpower whom?" where she talks about Tom and Nicole and how even though she is considerably taller he looks like he could take her if he needed to and that makes it OK. In the article Williams claims that the relationship between Sophie Dahl and Jamie Cullem would be much less talked about (there are 7 inches between them) if she were a bit less Amazonian and he were a bit less slight. In essence she could overpower him if. They are now married with a bay due soon so it just goes to show that for some people it doesn't matter.
The reason I mention this is because in the hostel I am currently writing this from in Tasmania there is a Canadian man who has the distinct look of a surfer, toned and good looking, but he is probably 5 inches shorter than me and that made me feel better.
The average Korean man is, again according to Wikipedia, 1.739 m (5 ft 8 1⁄2 in)

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